Business Competitions

At Tabor School of Business, students engage in competition as early as first semester, freshman year.  Participating in competitions on and off campus helps students hone their skills at public speaking, creating a business plan, and giving a pitch.


    First-Year Business Plan Competition (FYBPC)


    A business plan describes the fundamentals of a new business, a new market strategy, or the launch of a new product or service. What makes Millikin’s business plan competition different is that it is only open to first-year students. These first-year students are immediately applying the concepts they are learning in the classroom. Having this experience as a first-year student helps students make academic decisions and get a glimpse into the business world!


    The competition involves a presentation of the projects by the students to entrepreneurs from the local business community. The competition takes place in the fall semester every year. We ask that you help us nominate which team you think should receive People's Choice.


    1st Place- $4,000 Millikin-sponsored travel experience (Domestic or International) per team

    2nd Place- $1,000 Millikin Sponsored travel experience (Domestic or international) per team

    People's Choice- Brand Promo Kit Website start up- MUPC Logo Design- MillikinCreates Consulting service- MTC Promo video & social media shout outs- CFE Promotional interview- WJMU



    Learn more about 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Tabor School of Business, and The Center for Entrepreneurship here:

    Center for Entrepreneurship: Center for Entrepreneurship | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ

    Tabor School of Business Majors: Academics | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ

    Millikin Application: Apply to 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ