Blue Connection and BC Studios connect Millikin students with the Decatur community. Located downtown, Blue Connection and BC Studios give students the opportunity to work as an artist long before graduation day.
Blue Connection and BC Studios
Blue Connection and BC Studios
Opened in 2003, Blue Connection is 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ’s retail art gallery located in the Madden Arts Center in Downtown Decatur. Focused on arts and specialty businesses, the retail location is used by Millikin students to grow their businesses. Products are conceived, designed, and/or crafted by the students who sell them. BC Studios is 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ's arts and business incubator located in the lower level of Blue Connection.
Millikin’s Arts and Entrepreneurship Program is a six-credit course sequence providing learning-based business opportunities for students to practice self employment. The Program utilizes curricular-based, experiential activities and student-run ventures to give students a live laboratory experience in developing, launching, and growing a business. Rather than learn before doing, students are expected to learn while doing by first launching a micro-venture in the Program’s introductory course, The Art of Entrepreneurship. Then students explore growth though Blue Connection.
For further information on 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ's Blue Connection, contact the gallery at
117 N Water St
Decatur, IL 62522
United States