Parking Regulations & Procedures

All motor vehicles operated or parked on 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ property by students or University employees must be registered. A motor vehicle is defined as an automobile, truck, van, motor scooter, motorcycle or other wheeled vehicle propelled by a motor. Bicycles are excluded from registration.

A vehicle is properly registered when a current parking decal has been permanently affixed to the inside lower right corner of the front window or an employee hang tag is displayed on the rear view mirror. Vehicles may be registered and decals secured from the Public Safety Office located in Walker Hall. Passes for visitors may be obtained from the Public Safety Office. Overnight visitors must obtain a visitors pass.

  1. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. The University cannot guarantee a parking space for each vehicle registered and a lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for parking violations.
  2. Parking is prohibited where curbs are painted yellow or where "No Parking" signs are posted or painted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Certain other areas are also restricted, such as the Arrival Court and spaces reserved for visitors, delivery vehicles, disabled and loading zones. Vehicles illegally parked in these areas will be towed at the owner's expense.
  3. The M11 (Fairview lot) at West Main Street and Fairview Avenue is for A and C permits. It is restricted and there is no parking between 7:30 a.m. and noon on Sunday as well as no overnight parking from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Sunday.
  4. The M-10 (Decatur Indoor Sports center (DISC)) lot is for G & F permits. The DISC lot is located East of the DISC on W. Wood St. Only authorized G & F permits can park overnight in the lot.

Visitor Parking

Permits for visitors to campus for conferences or meetings may be obtained from the Public Safety Office. Overnight visitors must obtain a visitors permit.

Woods Residents

Residents of "Woods at Millikin" are provided with reserved parking for their complex and are therefore not allowed to park in any University parking lot between 4 a.m. and 5 p.m. Woods Residents may park on campus after 5 p.m. and on weekends except for the Mills lot or Dolson Circle. Dolson Circle is 20 minute parking.

**Woods residents are not able to obtain a parking permit from the Millikin Public Safety Office.

Violations of Regulations:

Handicapped Zone (Including striped zone) $200.00
Failure to register vehicle $50.00
Parking in Visitor's Area $50.00
Unauthorized parking on University Property $20.00
Failure to park in assigned lot $20.00
Parked in a Reserved Area $30.00
Decal/Hang Tag Not Displayed $20.00
Parked in Arrival Court Brick Area $50.00
Parked in Fire Lane (Yellow Curb) $20.00
Exceeding time limit $15.00
Prohibited overnight parking (4 a.m. to 7 a.m.) $10.00
Parked outside designated parking space $10.00
Parking on the grass $10.00
Obstructing: Crosswalk or sidewalk $10.00
Obstructing: Entrance Way $10.00
Obstructing: Another Vehicle $10.00

Fines are assessed by the Public Safety Office for moving and parking violations. Typical fines are as follows and are subject to change without notice

All fines must be paid at the Student Financial Services office.

All individuals have the right to appeal any ticket. All appeals must be completed online within 15 days of the date of the violation. Appeals will not be decided if turned in after 15 days from the date of the violation.

Flagrant or repeated violations may be referred to the Dean of Student Development and may result in the revocation of the privilege to park on University property.

Disregard of parking fines may result in withholding of grades and transcripts.

Violations issued to Millikin registered vehicles are the total responsibility of the individual who registered such vehicle regardless of who was driving it.

Parking Permits are good for one academic school year, August 1 through July 31. All parking permits remain the property of 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ and may be revoked. All vehicles must be registered every school year.

Tow-Away Policy

Vehicles are subject to tow-away by a bonded towing company for the following reasons:

  1. Parking in a handicapped space without state issued handicapped permit.
  2. Parking in reserved spaces.
  3. Parking in areas that create a danger to safety and welfare of persons and property (i.e., fire lanes, service areas, traffic lanes, walkways, etc.).
  4. Persistent and flagrant violations of parking rules and regulations.
  5. Faculty, staff or student failing to register vehicle and display parking permit.
  6. Abandoned vehicle
  7. Parking in "No Overnight Parking" between 4 am and 7 am.
  8. During heavy snowfall and, if necessary, for snow removal.
  9. Emergency situations.

It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to recover a towed vehicle from the Prairieland Towing and to pay towing charges or other associated charges.

Prairieland Towing Service
2902 N. Woodford
Decatur, IL 62526