Library ID

Your Library Borrower ID is a unique 14 digit number that identifies you as a current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Staley Library patron. It is different than your 8 digit Millikin ID number. You will need your library ID number to set up your ILLiad borrower's account.

Library Borrower IDs are printed on the back of your Millikin ID card, above the barcode. Patrons with older style ID cards may have it on the front of the card, below the Millikin ID number. They always start with the digits "21111."

If your Millikin ID card does not have your Library Borrower ID number printed on it, there is a formula that you can use to figure out what it is:

  • 21111 + your seven digit Millikin ID number (remove the first 0 from your number) + 00

Example ID number

Your Millikin ID number is 00123456. If you apply the formula above, you can easily find your Library ID number.

  • Remove the first zero: 0123456
  • Add "21111" in front of the number: 211110123456
  • Add "00" at the end of the number: 21111012345600

If you have an "older" Millikin ID number with 7 digits, rather than 8, skip the first step and do not remove the first zero. That is, you will have two zeros after "21111."

So Millikin ID 0012345 becomes  Library Borrower ID 21111001234500.

More information or assistance

If you have any trouble using your Library Borrower ID number, don't hesitate to call the library circulation desk for assistance at 217-424-6214.