University Studies

Philosophy Minors

University Studies at Millikin

We offer students the opportunity to combine theory and practice and to acquire and perform their knowledge. By combining interdepartmental sequential requirements, which challenge students to develop ethical reasoning, reflection, and writing across disciplines, along with non-sequential requirements, which engage students in practicums and labs, we provide the Performance Learning opportunities that make a Millikin education distinctive.

Reflection, writing, and ethical reasoning guide students studies. Through the integration of reflection throughout the University Studies curriculum, students explore and discover ways for developing a life of meaning and value. As students practice and polish their ethical reasoning skills, they come to understand what it means to be a democratic citizen in a global environment. Asking students to write across the University Studies curriculum, we foster confidence in their ability to write for professional success.

In the first year of study, we strategically provide each student with appropriate methods of inquiry and the support essential for academic success. In the second and third years, we challenge students through advanced studies to continue developing the breadth of knowledge and skills that will help them lead productive professional and personal lives after graduation. Throughout their learning experience in the University Studies Program, students build the confidence they need for successful performance in today’s global environment.

At Millikin, curriculum is centered around the principles of the Millikin Program of Student Learning (MPSL) with the objective of preparing students for professional success, democratic citizenship in a global environment, and a personal life of meaning and value.

The Millikin Program of Student Learning includes:

  • The first year experience
  • The sequential University Studies requirements
  • The non-sequential University Studies requirements
  • An intensive major area of study in pursuit of student growth and professional success

Each school or academic division at 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ has designated certain requirements for students in that unit. These requirements add breadth of knowledge and important complementary studies to the majors in that academic area. As part of the curriculum plan, each school or division has designated courses (or a certain number of credits) as school/division distribution requirements. This page notes the distribution requirements and various breadth requirements for B.A. and B.S. degrees.