Critical Storytelling from the Pandemic: Student Speaks gathers outstanding essays of student writers at 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ and MacArthur High School in Decatur, Ill., and Federal University of Uberlândia in Uberlândia, Brazil, for publication and release into the academic community by international publisher Brill, one of the fastest-growing publishers of books in educational research and related fields. The Critical Storytelling project fosters a classroom environment where students do the discipline, meaning peers motivate peers to create high-quality work, improve writing and editing skills, and inspire student leadership. The result is a volume of undergraduate stories about pandemic experiences written and edited by students.
Come to our 2024 COS panel to celebrate our fourth publication and hear from featured writers and editors, who will discuss their first-hand experiences with Critical Storytelling.
Dr. Carmella Braniger
School of Writing, Languages, and Cultures
Critical Storytelling from the Pandemic
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Madelyn Cummins, Morgan Potter, Dezzirae Ingle, Rochelle Pense
Faculty Sponsor(s):
Dr. Carmella Braniger
Hear how students rose above the adversities of the pandemic using their personal strengths and institutional resources to remain resilient despite the challenges of academic writing, school and life in general. Authors published in the international anthology, Critical Storytelling from the Pandemic, read selections of their work.