Wills and Revocable Trusts

Gifts by Will and Revocable (Living) Trust

A gift in your will or trust is a meaningful and easy way to support Millikin and gives you the ability to control your assets without affecting your current cashflow.  Bequests can be made unrestricted to Millikin, or directed to a college, scholarship, or other area of your choice.

Below are examples of sample bequest language for your consideration. Because your individual circumstances are unique, we encourage you or your counsel to contact us for guidance on appropriate language to ensure that your charitable intentions are clear.

To Millikin, for unrestricted use:

"I hereby give to 91ӣƵ, a not-for-profit corporation located in Decatur, Illinois (tax ID number 37-0706154), ___% of my estate (or $__) to be used as its Board of Trustees may deem advisable for the benefit of 91ӣƵ."

To Millikin, for a restricted use:

“I hereby give to 91ӣƵ, a not-for-profit corporation located in Decatur, Illinois, (tax ID number 37-0706154), ___% of my estate (or $__) to be used by (college or department) for the support of ___________________________.

We also encourage you to use the following language in your bequest:

“In the event that it becomes impossible or impracticable to use the gift in the manner set forth above, then the University may devote the gift in a manner which is in the best interest of the University as the University may determine, that honors as closely as practical my original intentions as specified above.”

Please contact the Alumni & Development Office for assistance, especially if you plan to make a restricted bequest. We can help ensure that your legacy meets your objectives. Phone: 217-424-6383 Email: investorssociety@millikin.edu.